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A healthy community is a strong community, and we are proud to be a part of your community and Hidden Rivers Farm strives to support a variety of not-for-profit organizations. To help our giving have the most impact, we have included our guidelines and the request form below. We have two types of requests: pumpkin donations and passes. Please carefully read the guidelines for your requested type.

Guidelines for All Donations
1. Requests must be made for an organization with proof of nonprofit status.

2. Requests must be submitted to one of our Fun Crew members on the farm during normal business hours for approval. (Request form link is below)

3. We do not provide cash donations, sponsorships, or any other non-Hidden Rivers Farm product donations. 

4. We prefer that donations will benefit the group financially or provide a learning component. We do not donate items solely for decorating.

5. Please limit requests to one request per organization per year. 

6. Keep in mind that while we evaluate each donation independently, due to the large number of requests most donations carry no more than a $25-50 value. Unfortunately, not all requests can be fulfilled, and decisions will be left to the discretion of Hidden Rivers Farm. Past support of an organization or event does not guarantee future support.


7. Hidden Rivers Farm will contact you if we are able to support your organization or event. If we do donate to your organization, we are unable to deliver or mail donations except for coupons and passes. A representative from your organization will need to contact Hidden Rivers Farm to arrange a time to pick up our donation.

Pumpkin Donations:
1. Availability is dependent on each year's crop inventory pending weather, pest, and economic situations. Due to harvest parameters we will NOT be able to fulfill requests until October 15th. If your event is before this date, we apologize for not being able to meet your needs. We offer a reduced rate option for charitable organizations needing produce prior to October 16th.


2. Upon notification of approval, all donation pickups must be scheduled in advance of pickup and must occur on a weekday. Donations WILL NOT be delivered. Failure to pick up or claim a donation will eliminate future donation considerations.

Admission Donations:
1. A four pack of day passes may be requested for auctions or raffles, or drawings. 

2. If approved, passes will be mailed to the address on your form.



Thank you for choosing Hidden Rivers Farm. We are pleased you value our products as a worthwhile addition to your event.


Hidden Rivers Farm

169 Goose Pond Rd
Hartselle, AL 35640

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